matty🌊 @CoveHolden97 · 3min

🐚 matty · he/they · 25 🦑 gay 🌈

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matty🌊 @CoveHolden97 · 9min

彡 before interacting

BYF: I have a hard time getting to know people, and I usually just spam memes or be really sarcastic, and that may come off as mean. It's not meant to me.
DNI: lgbt+phobic, racist, xenophobic, MAPs, ableists, sexist, larry shippers, NFT bros, most men.
TW: I don't use triggers warnings, and my content can be dark at times but it's usually a way to deflect with humor.

102 votes · 7 hours left

LIVE · matty🍂

Comfort Characters ☁️

Isak Valtersen, Allison Argent, Peter Parker
Buffy Summers, Kara Danvers, Caroline Forbes
Spencer Hastings, Clara Oswald, Lizzie Saltzman
Nick Nelson, Donna Noble, Cove James Holden